He saw nothing, but it came at him. -- The low thunderous growl surrounded him. He threw himself to the sand and thought of how dying would feel. The sound moved over him. He looked up to see his attacker; stars moved one way and the other as a huge pane of imperfect glass passed overhead. The whispering thunder moved with it and disappeared into the night--then silence. Deep in the Nevada desert, on a military base that doesn't exist, the U.S. government has developed the most sinister warplane ever to rule the skies. Its name is Rhombus and it's the pinnacle of man's genius applied to the art of mass destruction. Rhombus is death come alive. Lt. Michael Christum is America's finest aviator, a supreme and lethal warrior. A man of honor, his love for his wife and children are as profound as his sense of duty. Christum will pilot Rhombus. Time after time he's answered his country's call, unflinching, unfailing. But this mission is different. If it fails, it will mean the eradication of mankind.
Very captivating. Combines great technical detail, romance, life & death struggle; a hero who is very strong and yet full of compassion. If you like military action, this is a great book.
A Superb and Riviting Piece of Work
Published by Thriftbooks.com User , 23 years ago
Rhombus is the kind of story you just can't put down. From the very first page, the story grabs you and won't let you go. I found myself coming back again and again until I finished it. Gore has done a splendid job of weaving and spinning a terrific plot, chuck full of interesting characters. An absolute must read! Dudley Henriques International Fighter Pilots Fellowship
I remember Homer McCormick
Published by Thriftbooks.com User , 24 years ago
Good things do come in threes. I rank Gore's writing up there with two other West Virginia natives. Christum has the air warrior skills of Stephen Coonts'Jake Grafton and the warm emotional side of Homer Hickam's Sonny. His technical knowledge is used in a way that makes the story enjoyable, as opposed to Clancy's style of trying to overwhelm and impress the reader. I wonder if Gore still has that '64 Mustang I admired as a kid when it sat in his parent's driveway on College Park.
Rhombus is must reading
Published by Thriftbooks.com User , 24 years ago
At last there is an action hero with moral values-he loves his his children and his wife,loves his country and leans on his faith with God for strength. The story is believable and the historical events in the book have a new twist. If there was a Michael Christum he would remind me of my brother.
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