The Book of Mormon gold plates were buried in a stone box in the ground and brought forth miraculously as though out of a tomb, resurrected as Jesus Christ was. The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ is a living witness of Him, together with the Holy Bible.
My husband introduced this connection between resurrection and the gold plates by showing me his painting of the plates in the box still in the ground. (His painting is on the cover.) He asked what I thought of it. I told him I liked it but I didn't know what was in the lefthand corner of the box. He said, "It's the stone like the stone rolled away from the tomb at Jesus' Resurrection." I must have looked puzzled because he continued, "Joseph said, 'Having removed the earth, I obtained a lever, which I got fixed under the edge of the stone, and with a little exertion raised it up' (Joseph Smith-History 1:52). The Book of Mormon has been resurrected from its tomb." "That's profound " I said. "The living gospel of Jesus Christ has been brought forth from the grave as the Book of Mormon "
The title cites 65 days because that is how long it took Joseph Smith, Oliver Cowdery, and other scribes, to translate almost all of the Book of Mormon. They worked on the manuscript from April 7 to June 30, 1829. If you subtract travel time and time attending to the basic duties of life, what remains is sixty-five days or less. Doing the math, that means the Prophet and his scribes averaged about eight pages per day.
Resurrecting the Book of Mormon is a book of twenty-two evidences that the Book of Mormon could not have been completed in sixty-five working days without moment-by-moment miracles. This sacred book of scripture truly is "a marvelous work and a wonder" (2 Nephi 25:17). No one could have created the intricate detail, the counterpointed storylines with flash forwards and flashbacks, the consistent doctrine, the hundreds of place and people names, the unique vocabularies, the hundreds of prophecies, and so much more without years of research, planning, and genius, yet there they are. The Book of Mormon is a masterpiece that has withstood constant unfriendly, even vile, scrutiny for almost two hundred years. However, these twenty-two tangible evidences are twenty-two more than you need in order to know the Book of Mormon is true. The pivotal witness comes from the Holy Ghost when you ask God in prayer. My first book on the Book of Mormon, The Book of Mormon Is True, Evidences and Insights to Strengthen Your Testimony (Covenant Communications, 2015), came as a result of typing the Book of Mormon. This book came as a result of teaching the Book of Mormon on Zoom for seventy weeks. While my first book focused on technical aspects, this book-Resurrecting the Book of Mormon: 65 Days of Miracles-centers on concepts, doctrines, and witnesses.Related Subjects