Raised as poor orphans. Launched into greatness by God. Can they cope with life's changes and keep their home from falling apart?
A CHRISTIAN Suspense series
CEO Ruby Towers and her husband, former Captain Robert Towers, had come a long way from their days growing up at the orphanage. They could hardly believe where their lives had landed. Ruby owned a multinational delivery corporation, and Robert was, well, a very powerful man.
Now far from their humble beginnings as orphans, it seemed the good Lord had more surprises packaged into their future than they ever dreamed. Presently, as they're raising two children--Ritz, a young lady, and Robert Junior, an infant--enduring sleepless nights with a newborn, along with managing all of life's surprises, was stretching them to the max even though their hands were as blessedly full as their hearts. Will the weariness pull them down? Or will they see the present maze of their lives through eyes of gratitude and rest in the beauty of God's purpose?
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