- What is Research?
- Medical Radiation Sciences Research: AN Overview
- The Importance of Research
- Steps in Conducting Research
➢ The Research Process Cycle
▪ Identifying a Research Problem▪ Literature Review
▪ Purpose of Research
▪ Data Collection
▪ Data Analysis and Interpretation
▪ Reporting and Evaluating Research➢ Use of Statistics
- Research Ethics
- The Research Proposal
- Examples of Research in Medical Radiation Sciences
- References
- What is Quantitative Research?
- What is Qualitative Research?
- Characteristics of Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches
- Research Designs-Overview
- Selection of the Research Approach
- Two Examples of Quantitative and Qualitative Research
Chapter 3: Planning Your Research (Dr Rob Davidson) - Formulating a Research Question- Justifying a research question- Formulating a Hypothesis- Research Ethics
- The Research Proposal
Chapter 4: The Literature Review (Dr Rob Davidson) - What is a literature review compared to an annotated bibliography?- Searching the literature- Critical Reading and Analysis- Writing the Review
- Acknowledgement of Sources
Chapter 5: Quantitative Research Methods (Dr Andrew England-Contributor)
- Quantitative Research Methods
o Descriptive Research
o Correlational Researcho Quasi-Experimental Research
o Experimental Research
Chapter 6: Qualitative Research Methods (Dr Chandra Makanjee-Contributor)
o Phenomenological Research
o Grounded Theory Research
o Ethnographic Research
o Explanatory - Descriptive Qualitative Research
o Historical Research
Chapter 7: Data Collection, Analysis and Interpretation (Dr Mark McEntee-Contributor)
- Data Collection
- Descriptive Statistics
o Presentation of Datao Measure of central tendency
o Standard deviation
o Variance
o Correlation
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