356+ Days for You to Savor What You Are Grateful For!
Have you ever found yourself feeling like you don't yet have the things in life that you need to be happy? Like good things happen for other people more frequently than they do for you? Or, trying to fill perceived voids in your life in unhealthy and unsuccessful ways?
If you've been experiencing any of the feelings above, you're certainly not alone. Many of us struggle to see all the good within and around us as we deal with life's daily stressors and challenges.
Author Dr. Colleen Georges has been there too. For many years, Dr. Colleen found herself focusing on everything she did not yet have, discouraged by life's challenges, and waiting for the day she'd have the things she needed to be happy. Dr. Colleen worked to RESCRIPT her story, discover her internal resources, see and express thanks for all the good around her, and create daily gratitude practices she has maintained for over two decades. She has spent the last 20 years helping thousands of others do the same.
The RESCRIPT Daily Gratitude Journal allows you to document what you're thankful for each day, 365 days a year. It offers resources to help you see there are reasons to feel grateful occurring all the time, but sometimes we must shift focus to notice them, especially during tough times. In the RESCRIPT Daily Gratitude Journal, you'll discover:
Research revelations that illustrate the kinds of thoughts and actions that foster a grateful mindset.That there's always at least one experience, person, accomplishment, or resource to be grateful for.How expressing gratitude can foster increased joy, hope, and optimism.How making time daily to consider what you're grateful for can lead to decreased stress and worry.Strategies for creating daily gratitude practices that support your overall wellbeing.LET YOUR JOURNEY TO RESCRIPT & THINK THANKFULLY BEGIN!
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