It's been six months since Bellona's fight with Nemesis, and now Bell spends her days living everyday life. Or as normal of a life as a fallen goddess can have. Waiting for the birth of her son, Bell is out of the fight between good and evil. Nowadays, the only battle she has is the one that wages inside her own heart. For months now, she has known about a secret Kera thinks she's keeping from her lover. Yet this secret can be picked up on all over the vamp Bell has taken as her love. However, a time is coming for that secret to come out. When it does, there will be a war between the two of them.
To make matters worse. Fontana, Bellona's older sister, left the island three months ago after getting word that a lycan was building an army to go to war with her pregnant sister. Tracking the mutt has lead Fontana and a friend of hers by the name of Azzara to Yellowstone National Forest and dangerously close to the fabled Halls of Neverless. But could the legends be real? Could the Ghost of Forgotten Time really be the creatures of their childhood stories? Could the Angels of Darkness really be imprisoned in the Halls of Neverless? These questions worry Bellona, and in the back of Fontana's mind, these same questions linger. Regardless, a war against the rouge lycan is coming, and Fontana is hellbent on stopping it before the fight makes it back to the cove. Can she do it, or will a war of immortals ravage their small island paradise?
J. R. Stocker lives in northern Oklamoma.