Rental Property Record Keeping: Log Books, Notebooks
This Rental Property Record Keeping Log Book will be a good way to keep organized with your rental properties. There's space enough for 3 different rental properties in this book. For each property it has a page for details about the property including physical details, finance information, insurance, and maintenance log. Also has a place for prospective renters info, followed by an income log with columns you can record payments of rent, collections made, notes in the margins for any info for example if they miss a payment.Also an expense log to write your expenses. Plus an overview to record profit/loss every month. Notes at the end of each page for any creative info you might have. If you own properties, you need a book to write all your important information all in one place. Writing all your info will help you minimize mistakes and give you peace of mind in your business, clearly creating your best experience. Sturdy paperback lays flat. Whether it's for your desk, cabinet, for travel or your bookshelves, this rental property record keeping book is perfect for you. Makes filing your taxes easy. Makes a great present for that special person who has real estate rental property.
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Size dimensions is 8.5x11, 120 pages, printed on quality white paper, black ink, matte finish covers.