Green Energy and Technology: Choosing Among Alternatives.- Grid Codes: Goals and Challenges.- Fault-Ride Through criteria development.- High Penetration of Rooftop Photovoltaic Cells in Low Voltage Distribution Networks: Voltage Imbalance and Improvement.- Performance Evaluation of Grid-Connected Solar Photovoltaic (SPV) System with Different MPPT Controllers.- Optimal Siting and Sizing of Wind Turbines based on Genetic Algorithm and Optimal Power Flow.- Power Flow Analysis and Reactive Power Compensation of Grid Connected Wind Energy Conversion Systems.- Contribution of Variable-Speed Wind Generators to Frequency Regulation and Oscillation Damping in the United States Eastern Interconnection (EI).- Power Management of Low or Medium Voltage Networks with High Density of Renewable Generation.- Integration of Green Energy into Power Distribution Systems - Study of Impacts and Development of Control Methodology.- Integrating Smart PHEVs in Future Smart Grid.- Coordinating Distributed Energy Sources during Microgrid Emergency Operation.- A Novel Aggregation Technique using Mechanical Torque Compensating Factors for DFIG Wind Farms.- DC Grid Interconnection for Conversion Losses and Cost Optimization.- Interconnected Autonomous Microgrids in Smart Grids with Self-Healing capability.- Agent-based Smart Grid Protection and Security.- Vulnerabilities of Smart Grid State Estimation against False Data Injection Attack.- Impediments and Model for Network Centrality Analysis of a Renewable Integrated Electricity Grid.
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