Do the present times challenge or concern you? If so, what can we do about it? In tumultuous times, a shift is presently underway to mobilize and meet the challenges. God is calling His church to "watch and pray." As the nations rage and times become more tumultuous, a great awakening is knocking at the door of the church. God is calling His church out of our comfort zones into prayer and action. Those who hear the call are now moving to reach out, join together in prayer and worship to face and effectively engage with the challenges of the times. Such is the call of the watchman. Hidden throughout the Bible, this vital role is being resurrected with a transformational impact. The purpose of this book is to relay the biblical and historical foundations for the role of the watchman and its relativity for today. The chapters take you on a journey into the individual, corporate, and end-time call of the watchman, its history in revival and its role today in the body of Christ. When understood and mobilized, watchmen will be a catalytic force for the end-time revival and the harvest in preparation for His return.