Reigning the Future is an informative overview of US-China relations in regards to the ever-evolving tech world. With the relationship between these two superpowers at the forefront of international news, author Dennis Wang looks to inform readers through expert interviews and in-depth analyses about the mounting tensions between the two superpowers.
Wang discusses the technological rivalry between the United States and China, analyzing great-power political competition and its connections with business and innovation. He believes the modern bilateral relationship between the two countries is one of the most significant challenges of the century and uses his research to prove that point and offers insight into navigating these unique times.
Through his personal experiences with companies like Huawei Technologies and China Central Television, as well as his studies at Duke University, Wang provides unique perspectives and in-depth analyses on this topic. Reigning the Future will appeal to everyone from tech students to business leaders and policymakers. Visit (http: // for more info