1. Introduction; Christine Musselin and Pedro Teixeira.- PART 1: Designing Policies in Higher Education.- 2. Public Policy Design and University Reform; David Dill.- 3. Reforming Universities in Italy: Towards a New Paradigm?; Emanuela Reale and Emilia Primeri.- 4. The UK Research Excellence Framework and the Transformation of Research Production; John Brennan and Sofia Branco Sousa.- PART 2: The Complexities of Policy Design in Higher Education - Some Lessons from Comparative Research.- 5. Reforming the Portuguese Public Sector: A Route from Health to Higher Education; Teresa Carvalho and Sofia Bruckmann.- 6. Higher Education, Globalization and the Restructuring of the State: A Comparison between British Columbia, Ontario and Qu?bec; Don Fisher and Kjell Rubenson.- 7. Patterns of University Governance: Insights Based on an Analysis of Doctoral Education's Management Reform in Switzerland and Norway; Lukas Bashung.- PART 3: Policy Effects at the Meso Level.- 8. Governance of Universities and Scientific Innovation; Dietmar Braun.- 9. Change is in the Air: Pressures, Organizations, Fields and University Research; Maria Nedeva, Kate Barker and Sally Ali.- 10. Reforming Faculties' Careers: Changes in Structures and Trajectories; Ga?le Goastellec and Nicolas Pekari.- 11. The Possible Conflict between New and Old Governance in the Introduction of Performance Based Funding in German Medical Faculties; Patricia Schulz.- Index.