Reflections: Conversations with God is a book geared towards my journey of getting to know Jesus Christ. I started sharing quotes that I deemed as Gods words to me on social media, and a friend of mine asked me to think of a hashtag so that I would not lose those quotes. His exact words: Trust me, you will use these one day. The book starts with a spoken-word poem called reflections. The poem reflects on my journey growing up; this sets the tone of the emotional journey we must sometimes face in life. Behind every inspiring quote, a life changing experience occurs. You will notice I do not use chapters; I use dates and quotes. I did this purposely so that I can make this personal and connecting. I am a true believer that God speaks to us in many different ways; if we are ready to listen. He will give you the answers you seek. In this book, I also included pictures that help explain the story I am telling. I pray this book not only encourages you but expands your mind to believe in His everlasting love.