In Tick Tock To Midnight the author's first novel, his intuition visioned a dark cloud rising over democratic geopolitical influence around the globe. In contrast, here in Reflection: Into The Abyss - Democracy or Autocracy? recalibrates towards various key world leaders. These suspects work for the Lawless One that is always in the middle of politics and religion. Strawmen that function in key positions on behalf of The Program. All things considered The Club needed a cheerleader for a new type of patriotism. Someone with a big ego that tilted towards psychotic irrational behavior. On cue without skipping a beat even after a deadly bout by a superbug - COVID-19. He knew the Doomsday Clock was about to make its last tick, so it was all or nothing. And to realize The Club's final goal - a 7-Year Peace Agreement and Third Temple. The Donald's cultural movement had to execute a hail-Mary towards the United States Capital. That's when the Don became the Houdini of the Big Lie resorting to all tricks available to maintain power and become the nation's first autocrat - but failed. The Club is still active - a sinister plan nonetheless, like a double-barrel shotgun, loaded with a two-prong attack. The Club cleverly orchestrated a global pandemic under the disguise of a major trade war - the CCP, Chinese Communist Party and the Republican Party nearly executed a perfect coup d'?tat of global democracy. Even so, China still has plans under the New Silk Road development project.