In this collection, recipient of the 2023 DGF Legacy Playwright and award-winning multi-platform playwright, translator, and librettist, Migdalia Cruz dives into the impossible through her plays FISHTANK, SATYRICO O, & TWO ROBERTS. Accompanied with reflections on the work from Virginia Grise, Morgan Jenness, and Todd London. Complemented by cover and interior illustrations from artist Christian Potter Drury.
"Welcome to these Impossible Plays
The three plays included in this volume: FISHTANK, SATYRICO O, &
TWO ROBERTS, represent three of my waking-dreams about joy, grief, sex, spirituality,
Democracy, and hope... If you read this volume, you will find the
true meaning of impossible poured over impossible landscapes punctuated by the poetic realism that has conjured my ancestors and birthed this volume of plays."
-Migdalia Cruz-
This book is a part of the second round of the Sledgehammer Series with Before You Go by Sharon Bridgforth. The Sledgehammer Series lives within Tripwire's mission, with a specific focus on challenging how theater can live visually on the page.