Wouldn't you love for God to use you to heal the sick, stop a storm, or feed the multitudes?
This is the kind of adventure our lives are meant to be But in order to experience these wonders, we must be willing to prepare our body, soul, and spirit. We need navigation tools, provisions, and knowledge of survival. We have been given authority and purpose in this life; unfortunately, most Christians are never taught how do it practically. God gave us the Bible to prepare us for the journey because He is good. He didn't create laws to watch us fail; rather, the laws are for our prosperity and protection. Our quality of life with God and with others is more fulfilling when we follow God's ways. We thrive and conquer the enemy when we have a light to shine. As we seek intimacy with God, our light gets brighter, and fear and darkness within are expelled. Mindee's heart is to reawaken you into the mighty call of the Father. You were made to be a mighty warrior, but you cannot go into battle unarmed and without armor. Ephesians six lists the armor of God, and it's interesting that righteousness is used as a breastplate. Physically, the breastplate protects vital organs; furthermore, spiritually speaking, it also protects your spirit man. You do not want chinks in your armor where Satan can easily deal a death blow. The best protection you have is walking in righteousness-choosing God first. Righteousness doesn't have to be a scary behavioral management theology. Our intentionality to spend time with God gives Him the ability to replace the bad habits and thought processes with His mind. May you feel the passion to awaken the Church unto righteousness Solomon said that there's nothing new under the sun. We can see it in our cultures as there is no longer much of a dividing line between Christian and non-Christian. When the Israelites attempted to accept other religions/cultures into their nation, they were judged for it. The Apostle Paul wrote about grace not giving us license to sin in his letter to the Romans. We live in a fallen world, but we are not supposed to be of the world. We have been made righteous through Jesus Get a glimpse of what life looks like when you recognize that you are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus It is Him, through you, that righteousness is displayed. You don't have to concentrate on "being good." This journey isn't about behavior modification; it is about intentionally studying the Bible, having an active relationship with the Holy Spirit, and aligning your soul with God. As you partner with God, you will look, act, and love like Him. Right-living isn't about religiously following a set of rules. It's an invitation to a grand adventure where God uses you to do greater works than Jesus did This is a life like no other