Five years ago, experimental writers Susana Medina and Roc Sandford met at the Extinction Rebellion climate protests which were enthralling and irritating people all over the world. Rebel, Rebel, An Emergency Dialogue is a street-level account of those days, a blazing call to help protect our planet from the disasters being cooked up for it, and a collage or 'pastiche' of different sorts of writing (dialogue, erotic fable, emails, poetry, texting, short stories, essays). A historical snapshot of Extinction Rebellion in 2019 and 2020, it is an intellectual exposition, an act of planetary defence which registers the life of a rebel family and the new friendship of two rebels, and a literary experiment scattered with references to Dante, Cervantes, Baudelaire, Kafka, Benjamin, Camus, Szymborska, Ballard, Atwood, Callenbach, Gablik, Gosh and others.