This book depicts the full reality of adulthood and the various rollercoasters that come with it. As an adult, it may begin to feel like time is slipping through your fingers every time you want to do something. As a man, the pressure of transitioning yourself from a boy to a man may be hard to endure. When you're done with school entirely, it may seem like jumping into the real world is nice, but is it really? When you've got lots of money are you satisfied with your life all the way? Is it easy to make it to the top regardless of the career that you're chasing? What exactly may you need to do to get the occupation that you're searching for over time? How may you feel about your strength when a new year arises? Do you remember the life lessons you learned from a sport and apply them to your daily life? Find out the answer to those rhetorical questions in this book depicting that full rollercoaster of adulthood. I will add that one of my poems, particularly in this book entitled, "The Sweet Feeling of Wrestling on That Mat" is a complete contrast from the poem from my first book entitled, "My eternal love for wrestling". Rather than focusing on why I love wrestling so much, this poem takes things a step deeper by explaining that there are life lessons I took from this sport. This is the reason why I ask the question about life lessons with a sport.
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