Kids love The Frog and Toad books and many other stories by Arnold Lobel!
These resources will help your students develop the literacy strategies necessary to derive meaning from print and illustrations, read to find new information about a topic, and think and write creatively, using these favorite children's stories as a springboard.
Story summariesReproducible work sheets for 16 books authored by Arnold LobelTeacher suggestionsA resource listStudent tracking sheetComprehension, Word Study & Thinking About questions for each book23 addition activities in Research, Creative Writing, Drama, Art, MusicAnswer keyObjectives
1. To familiarize students with an author and his writings and style of writing
2. To develop the literacy strategies necessary to obtain meaning from print.
3. To read to find new information about a topic deriving it from print and pictures.
4. To develop the student's ability to think and write creatively.
List of Skills
In section A. Comprehension, the children must locate details, make predictions, evaluate and analyze the character's actions and list events or actions.
In section B. Word Study, there is usually one question related to phonics and one to word study. The skills are listed as follows:
A response sheet has been provided that should accommodate most responses from each of the reading activities.
Arnold Lobel Books Covered:
The Bears of the AirDays With Frog and ToadFrog and Toad All YearFrog and Toad are FriendsFrog and Toad TogetherGiant JohnGrasshopper on the RoadLucilleThe Man Who Took the Indoors OutMing Lo Moves the MountainMouse SoupMouse TalesOwl at HomeSmall PigA Treeful of PigsUncle Elephant