Ever wonder how easy it is to hack into someone's bank account info while surfing the net at your local Starbucks?
Do you want something simple, which is easy to understand and you can do as a beginner?
The Blueprint to Python Programming, Hacking and Raspberry Pu: A Beginners Guide to Everything You Need to Know to Get Started is the perfect book for you to get started with these computer topics and delivers everything you'll need to get you started.
The Cyberpunk Architects, believe that we have the ability to teach computer programming and the like to anybody by providing them with the blueprint, the basics in order to build the strongest foundation on. We know how tricky it is to learn and become a master of any area of computer programming especially Hacking. Our team is comprised of professionals who have been in the industry of information technology for decades and our experience made us able to create information products such as this step-by-step guide. We give you the blueprint and show you what to do, and more important, HOW TO DO IT
➢Getting to know the Python program
➢Basic commands you need to know
➢Working with loops
➢Handling exceptions in your code
➢Conditional statements
➢And more...
This book has been created with absolute beginners in mind and will have you working on your own programs very soon.