As a boy, David meets an enigmatic Creole woman, Pearl, through his grandmother, Pauline. Pearl, a figure that wanders in and out of David's life, takes on a guiding role. With her little dog by her side and her strong convictions about right and wrong, she becomes an intriguing mystery in David's life, appearing and vanishing in the blink of an eye.
David is smitten with Pearl and filled with questions that she is reluctant to answer until the time is right. The sense of a secret knowledge that everyone around him possesses, but that eludes him, becomes a driving force in his life.
Through a series of hardships and lessons, David's life is shaped, but it is Pearl's persistent guidance that keeps him on the right path. As he grows older, the secrets begin to unravel, and he learns his destined path, ultimately taking control and making his mark on the world.