What if Romeo and Juliet got a second chance? "R & J & Z" begins with Act V of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet and keeps going, as the famous lovers navigate a world in which death isn't necessarily the end. Set against the historical backdrop of Verona's plague, Melody Bates' new verse play throws old and new characters together over the course of an apocalyptic and action-packed 24 hours. Equally inspired by Shakespeare and modern zombie films, "R & J & Z" pushes the boundaries of theatrical humor and horror.
Cast Size: Diverse Cast of 15-19
"Honestly, I couldn't keep up a body count. Boisterous and splendid... makes good on that whole immortal love story thing." - The New York Times
"From the last line of Shakespeare's text (which is interrupted by a zombie attack) the humor and humanity shine through. The story of two lovers who were too good for this world changes into a call to bring love into this world." - NY Theatre Now
"R & J & Z exceeds all expectations... Shakespeare is not spinning in his grave, but perhaps he will rise from it just to see this delightful, theatrical gorefest." - New York Theatre Review
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