For The Query, legendary literary agent Herb Keeler has a reputation for sending nasty rejection letters. One day he receives a rejection letter of his own kind. Only worse. It tells him he is trapped in his Oyster Bay home with an explosive rigged to go off if he opens any door or window. All in revenge for a personal indiscretion. The letter tells him he is being watched. His house is being manipulated with booby-traps, toying with him physically and mentally. While all of this is occurring, his past transgressions are being shared with the entire world through the media, humiliating him. And to make matters worse, a burgeoning hurricane is bearing down on his home. Eventually, communication is established with his captor and he finds he has less than twenty-four hours to convince this deranged person he is sorry and to let him go before his home will blow up. Piece of cake, right?
Except, their cross-examination of each other reveals his captor values revenge and control over the law. And Herb values himself and things more than people. He sees his friend apprehended. And his Dad seized. As the destruction of his precious "things" continues all around him, Herb is puzzled to find himself thinking more about the people in his life than his things. Especially his girlfriend, Katie, who he has trouble admitting he loves. His situation has him negotiating for the most ultimate prize ever. His life. And their release. The bigger questions are, will he be able to discover who the mastermind is and beg for his release? And if let go, will he be able to redeem himself to the world? And to his girlfriend, Katie?
I believe what makes the character so relatable to the reader is there is a little bit of him in all of us. We all want success. We all want to exhibit our success by the things we possess, the places we go, the people we hang out with. Yet, we all have our demons that haunt us, that make us do regrettable things. And in this way, the reader lives vicariously through this character to see how he's going to navigate through this and make out in the end.