MONDAY, APRIL 23, 2004. 8:23PM: well i think i am finally finished with everything i am going to try to ship it all off to the publisher tomorrow. i am so relieved and excited it's over and done with but now i feel queasy. then again, i haven't eaten since 10pm yesterday.
so i am supposed to write this "synopsis" thingies apparently it goes on the back cover of the "literary work" and then when peoples are browsing and they happen across the book they read this and then it helps them decide if this is something they want to bother with.
i mean not to say it's funny or anything but even now i wonder why anyone would bother with it at all. then again, according to many acquaintances whose opinions i respect, it's evidently all well and good because all the stuffs about my maitre-d'ing in the swankeroo new york restaurants all these years is appealing and "funny" because it is all models and actors and stars (oh my).
then on top of that, supposedly i am not so bad myself.
well. here's hoping.