No, not hell!
But right next door, in Purgatory.
It isn't just a place for the dead, or only for our earth.
When vicious mosterous aliens from another domain of Purgatory set out on a a campaign of conquest, earth's Purgatory must find a champion to provide its defense.
The champion they find is really not prepared for the job. Astrada, a warrior concubine, is called upon to get him ready.
Dante, the champion, shuttles between his hours of intense training with Astrada each night and his office job on earth. Only trouble is, when he's back on earth, he doesn't remember anything about his time with Astrada. All he knows is he is growing fitter, faster and stronger and, until he finds out why, it inhibits his social life.
Will his crush on Marilee, a fellow office worker, grow into something more lasting or will he blow it completely.
The answer to this question and how successful he will be as champion can all be found in Purgatory: Making the Champion.
You just might find it a fun and rewarding excursion.