2 books in one: How to raise your perfect PUPPY & How to feed your perfect Puppy
Are you looking for a comprehensive guide on how to feed your pet (cat or dog) right? Do you wish there could be anything else you could give your dog besides meat, kibble and different store bought treats? Are you looking for food alternatives for your cat?
It is true; many of us pet owners around the country have been brainwashed to think that the only thing that our cats and dogs can eat is the 'dog/cat' food that we buy from various stores. I can tell you with confidence; it is all one big lie Words like 'fortified', 'natural', 'human grade', 'holistic', 'enriched' and 'enhanced' are just marketing buzzwords to make you part with your dollars for garbage, which may in fact be harming your dog/cat than anything you could feed him/her
Why is that, you may ask?
Because the ingredients from these foods are often waste products from the food industry, animal waste/manure (that's right), grains, pellet fiber plastics, GMO feed seed, or carcasses of diseased animals In simple terms, they process the garbage that humans can't consume, add some unknown chemicals then pack for your pet
It is sad that we pay for that
Would you be happy to give that to your cat or dog?
If you truly love, adore and value your pet a member of your family, your guess is as good as mine
The processed food garbage perhaps explains why, despite our dogs and cats eating what many may consider healthy, they are still scratching, whining, itching, vomiting, having diarrhea, yeast infections in the ears and paws and lots of other problems that make us keep going to the vet more than normal times
The question is; how do we feed our dogs and cats right?
Well, this book will show you exactly how:
In it, you will learn, among other things:
A comprehensive background into the world of dog and cat nutritionThe nutritional requirements of dogsThe nutritional requirements of catsHow to tell if your cat or dog is getting proper nutritionThe specific components in store bought pet food that you should actively seek to avoidTell-tale signs that something is off with whatever you are giving your petQuestions you should ask when shopping for a pet's foodFoods/ingredients that you are free to give to your cat or dog and those you should notHealthy and delicious recipes you can prepare for your dog at homeHealthy and delicious recipes you can prepare for your cat at homeHow to tell how much food to give to your dog/catHow to tell if your cat or dog is not responding well to what you gave himHow to introduce the correct supplements in your dog's/cat's diet for optimal healthWhen to consult a vetWhat are you waiting for?
Don't go shopping for your dog or cat before reading this book; you will save him/her some few scratches and the agony of having itchy skin
At the same time:
Do you look at other dog owners and admire how their dog/puppy is behaved, calm and happy to spend time with everyone in the family? Does watching videos (or even seeing them physically) of dogs and other pets doing crazy