About the Book
When we read and study the history in our textbooks, we overwhelmingly accept the lessons taught to us as fact. But what if history is more of "his story," a combination of half-truths and lies by omission, to create a society where those at the top reap the benefits and those at the bottom continue to lose out? In Psychedelic Logic, Barry examines questionable events in history and offers another view, such as the suspected UFO crash landing in the 1940s, the rise of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the existence of otherworldly forces on our planet from before recorded history. Barry seeks to open your mind and to reevaluate the world as you perceive it. With mind-altering and world-changing questions, seek out and explore the hidden truths behind some of the most famous lies throughout history.
About the Author
Barry is a husband, father, son, and brother. He is a patriot who has served for over twenty-three years in the US Air Force and went on to work as an air traffic controller. His travels around the world and interactions with others have brought him to the conclusions recorded Psychedelic Logic.
Barry has written two previous works, The Struggle Is Real and A Different Struggle.
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