Strained relationships between law enforcement, the public, and the media have marked a difficult time in the past several years. This has created significant stress--not just for law enforcement, but for their family members. "Protected But Scared" is written for children of police officers to help them express their feelings and to help police parents and police departments understand how to help their beautiful children. This touching story can be enjoyed by all children, and used as a teaching aid by teachers, parents, grandparents, camp and club leaders, or anyone who cares about children dealing with stressful situations. Meet Christopher: like any other boy, he loves sports, his family, and friends. But most of all he loves his dad, his hero, a police officer. His dad has saved many lives, and Christopher can't wait to grow up and be just like him Lately the TV reports show terrible things happening to the police, people are angry, and Christopher doesn't understand why or what has changed. Fearful and sad, Christopher watches his dad put on his uniform and head out the door to protect him and others each day. What changed? Will the fear ever go away? Protected But Scared--how kids of first responders often feel