If you would like to see Martin Luther King Jr.'s dream come true, that people are no longer "judged by color of their skin but by the content of their character," this book is a must-read because it sets out a path to that very end. It cannot and will not be reached, however, by waving a magic wand. The US Congress tried that 60 years ago when legislation with that goal was passed. Racism continues, as you will see, because erroneous beliefs about race are perpetuated by erroneous science. The truth is that what mystics have been saying for thousands of years is true-all is one. The author lays out facts that prove it, and that race is actually only skin deep-that we're all the same underneath. When everyone realizes that, believes it, and takes it for granted, race will be a non issue-buried at last on the ash heap of history.
If you want racism to end, read this book and then help disseminate the truth.