Arthur C. Clarke's "Sunjammer" updated an ancient dream, taking millions of readers on a sailing regatta in space. His stirring tale sparked a tech revolution that's coming true today-interplanetary vehicles, navigating across the Solar System on inexhaustible torrents of sunlight
Many others have since explored the coming, renewed age of sail. This intriguing anthology-updated for a new century-features both up-to-the-minute facts and future visions of solar sailing in a fascinating mix of stories, essays, and illustrations. Contributors range from JPL scientists to Isaac Asimov, Poul Anderson, Kevin Anderson, and Ray Bradbury. From classics by Arthur C. Clarke, David Brin, Joe Clifford Faust, and Larry Niven, to the latest missions by NASA and the Planetary Society. Even interstellar possibilities-explored by Robert L. Forward & Joel Davis-are now carried even farther in reports by space pioneers like Les Johnson, Robert Staehle & Louis Friedman. This 21st Century Edition, specially crafted by David Brin and Stephen W. Potts, also includes a lost gem by Jack Vance.
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