International leadership professionals share their proven world-class expertise and thinking on how to lead cultural transformation to enhance business outcomes.
So how do high achievers think about leading cultural transformation? How do they balance the commercial imperative with a new drive for collaboration? Importantly, what advice have they got for you? These high-achieving experts share their current-best, candid thinking on achieving real life success. This is well-researched and well written and packed with strategies, theory, tips and front line advice. Editors: Angela Armstrong PhD and Andrew Priestley Contributors: Angela Armstrong PhD, Maggi Evans PhD, James Hall, Andy Goram, Nick Corbo, Ellen Burton, Vanessa Boon, Susan Croft, Matthew Storey, Fraser Murray 'Smart money. Value packed. Super interesting.'leadership development; leadership; inspirational leadership; executive coaching; innovation leadership; leadership training; management; cultural transformation; emotional intelligence; collaborative; equity; cultural; imposter syndrome; talent strategy