Be a time-traveller. It is 452 of the common era.and her consort-husband Papallas are together again. Although they are now in southern Gaul they enjoy the earthy, mystical spirituality of their druid initiation. She wants to return to the northern isles and Ireland, but she is willing to follow Papallas' passions. He wants to follow a calling to go deep into the political intrigue of the Roman Empire. She is dismayed but also senses a calling. Maybe her gifts as a druid priestess can help heal the deranged emperor, and those caught up in his turmoil. There are, though, strong and violent forces that defy her efforts. She falls into despair. Along the way she discovers mystical forces that are guiding her. She longs to return to her homeland in Eire with Papallas, but must achieve spiritual transformation before the way is illuminated. The illumination is very bright indeed
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