The inspiration of God to teach daily or preach weekly is a blessing and a burden. It is a blessing to have the week-after-week encouragement to preach your sermons with your original topics. However, for some, it is a burden because there is a Sunday morning sermon expected, and the inspiration to provide a message to preach God's Word must be roused, researched, and gathered into a logical presentation.
Tag. You're it. Sometimes, it's just not there. You know Sunday is coming, and sometimes the stimulus or impetus is not. I empathize. These are the reasons I authored this book.
The truth is, some preachers are good enough to not only preach on Sunday morning, but also follow that sermon with another on Sunday night and Wednesday night or another day of the week. They are always, always ready in season or out of season to preach the Gospel. But there are times in the career of every pastor when they struggle when the inspiration to create sermons fades after months and years of multiple weekly presentations. Especially during periods of life when events and tribulations require time and dedication to other pressing matters.
Others might say, "It's their job. That is what they do." They get paid to read and study and make a forty-minute sermon each time they stand behind the pulpit. Not true. You and I know that. Most pastors/preachers do so much more than preach. They have families, a flock to attend to, and administrative duties that take much of their week. Some of you--bless your heart--are bi-vocational and work a forty-hour week as well. Not an easy job even for the called who are in love to do all they can in Jesus's name and for His glory. This book of Preacher Spurs is for them.