Do your feelings about prayer come with more baggage than a jumbo jet?
Let's face it, sometimes praying is hard. And we don't always know why. We really want to pray, but somewhere along the path between wanting to pray and actually doing it, something is broken. We're left scratching our heads, wondering, Is there something wrong with me? Will this always be a struggle?
In Praying is (not) Hard, Erica Barthalow reveals seven surprising hang-ups that may be sabotaging your conversations with God and gives practical steps to overcome them. If you struggle to talk with God, this book could change the way you think about prayer forever.
Through the pages of this book you will:
- Identify and find freedom from seven hang-ups that have kept you trapped in a frustrating cycle of inconsistent (or nonexistent) prayer
- Discover fail proof tips and guided prompts that will have you praying before you turn the final page
- Stop believing the lies that you're just not good at praying and nothing will ever change by flipping your perspective on prayer
- Learn the secret that transforms distractions from a frustrating problem into the fuel for your prayers
- Embrace the truth that God's silence doesn't indicate a lack of concern or care for you
Finally say goodbye to a frustrating or nonexistent prayer life, and experience the relationship with God you've always longed for.