Your prayers are important and effective.
When you spend time with the God who created the heavens and the earth, wonderful things happen, peoples' lives are changed, families are restored, and communities are made whole.
Prayer is a holy privilege and a magnificent adventure. We are invited to open our very beings available to our loving God who always keeps His promises, and who will teach us His ways and lead us in His truth.
Prayers of New Hope was originally to be shared during weekly prayer times in a local fellowship, as a means to reflect and learn more deeply the lessons the Lord was teaching His people.
Maria Aiello invites you to read the wisdom and insights she and others have gained as she travels with you as a fellow sojourner, sharing Scriptural truths and real-life stories. The book is divided into small sections, making it ideal for regular devotional use, no matter how busy your life may be.
You can discover life and hope in prayer. Your life will not be the same.