In Praise Him While You Wait, Dr. Brenda Jefferson shares key insights on how praise anchors you in turbulent waters, restores your hope, and grants you peace in the midst of any storm. As you intentionally praise, God will remind you of His promises and purpose for your life. Waiting can be one of the most frustrating and daunting this you'll ever do; and yet everything meaningful you'll ever attain will require it.
So, what do you do while you are waiting?
How do you remain hopeful about your future while seeming stagnant in the present?
The answer is simple yet profound: YOU PRAISE.
WHY AM I STRUGGLING? As much as you might like the sun to always shine, it is inevitable that at times, the rain will fall. So often, people want to get to the prize, but they rarely get excited about the struggle. Whenever a person sets out to achieve anything of consequence in their life, there is often some sort of struggle attached to it. Are you willing to endure whatever is necessary to achieve your dream? Is your faith strong enough to stand the test of time and to face any obstacle that might come your way? As Dr. Brenda Jefferson so eloquently explains in Praise Him While You Wait, God can do anything but fail. "In all this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith-of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire-may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed," (New International Version, 1 Pet. 1.6-7).
Understand that suffering is a fixed pattern to promote the mission of Christ, and to bring glory to His name. God's imagination is creative and ingenious. He is boundless and limitless. He is clever; inventive in all of His ways and methods He chooses to bless us. The power of God is exceptional. Yet, in order for it to be fruitful in our lives, we must trust Him to bring us through our circumstances and to help us.