Chapter I: Approaching Pragmatic Humanism
1.1 A Philosophy for Real Human Beings
1.2 The Radical Humanizing of Reality and Truth
1.3 Human Responsibility: The Meliorist Outlook
Chapter 2: Human Inquiry and The Authority of Science
2.1 A Universal Path to Certainty?
2.2 From Naturalism to Scientism
2.3 Science as Human Activity
2.4 Pluralizing science
Chapter 3: Emancipatory Outlooks on Religion and Faith
3.1 Keeping the door open
3.2 First-hand vs. second-hand religion
3.3 Naturalizing Religion (But the Pragmatic Way)
3.4 Religious truth claims
3.5 Religious Institutions and Theologies
3.6 Humanizing the Traditions
3.7 Is Pragmatic Humanism a Religion?
Chapter 4: Experimental Action and Inclusion: The Ethics of Pragmatic Humanism
4.1 Failing better: A Negative Account of Ethics
4.2 Moral Pluralism Without Relativism
4.3 Challenging the Moral Order: Consensus vs. Conflict4.4 Getting Rid of Evil?
4.5 The Therapeutical Turn of Moral Philosophy
Chapter 5: Thinking About Last Things: Death, Finitude and Meaning
5.1 Is Death a Problem At All?
5.2 The quest for immortality
5.3 Making Sense in the Face of Finitude
5.4 Bitter, but sweet enough
Conclusion: Living on Uncertainties - Pragmatic Humanism as a Way of Life