Verone Nevinander, spinster scion of one of city-state Trifienne's influential houses, isn't above exploiting others' secrets to suit her purposes. And from her nefarious intrigues, no one is safe - not professors, not rival houses, not even the Crown itself.
Caught in the crossfire, brilliant and headstrong student Dona Merinne is hellbent on getting to the bottom of the odd spate of recent magical - and therefore heretical - events, but her initial investigations reveal only deeper mysteries. Worse still, her interference attracts the attention of powerful foes whose machinations threaten everything she holds dear. Welcome to the Heiromancer trilogy, a complex, richly detailed magical adventure. Since the Heiromancer trilogy within the Dreamweaver Chronicles (which includes Practical Phrendonics, A House of Cards, and Hanged Man's Gambit) makes up a single story, those books should be experienced in that order. The Demon of Histlewick Downs and Shady Fortunes are both complementary standalone novels designed to further immerse readers in the action-packed world.