Power Up With Jesus is a collection series of short writings. Each volume gives you practical ways to enhance your walk with the Eternal God. Each concept is Christ-centered. Each topic sets the tone for you to integrate your faith into your everyday routine. Each grace-paced theme helps you more clearly capture the vision of your role within God's Kingdom on earth.
You may use this book as a daily devotional. Or you might prefer to select specific subjects currently challenging you. Either way, as you read, ask the Holy Spirit to lead you. To transform you. To help you reflect the character and heart of Jesus Christ. This is HIS macro purpose for you.
If only one of these thoughts strengthens your walk with the Almighty, then this book is a success. For these writings are a continuation of HIS story. Like you, we are HIS workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works (Eph. 2:10). Thus we encourage you to Power Up With Jesus for your sake, the sake of others, and for God's Kingdom.