Words have power. The words we use to describe ourselves are important, as they form our perceptions and beliefs. When you change the words you use, your life changes as well.
The affirmations in this coloring book are designed to work with your mind to change your thoughts and beliefs in order to promote a positive shift in your self-talk. Whether we'd like to admit it or not, words do affect us and we can use them purposefully to assist our conscious and subconscious minds to change the beliefs we have about ourselves.
There are 52 unique, Zentangle-inspired positive reminders in this coloring book. We all forget from time to time that abundance is everywhere around us, and that is okay. It feels great when we remember! Having an inspirational note or two nearby can assist us in many ways. Get your mind on your side to create the life you really want by focusing on loving yourself and your inherent abundance.
Change the words you use to describe yourself and your life for the better. Use coloring to your advantage by committing to forming a new, uplifting habit while having fun, getting creative, and relaxing to your one of your favorite pastimes. Start with some unique abundance affirmations and see how your life changes!