Can't find the words to express what you want?
Are you tired of the same old phrases?
Do you want to give something authentic?
Do you want to go back to basics and disconnect?
Do you want to say the right words in a difficult moment or the greatest words in moments of joy?
Then this book is for you.
Cut out the pages and give original poems that express your emotions.
If after the pandemic you have realized how important it is to be physically present, to reconnect and look directly into the eyes of our family, friends, colleagues, partners, I understand you, that's why I have created this book so that you have the perfect pretext to see them and express your phrases of support, solidarity, love or joy.
no encuentras las palabras para expresar lo que quieres?
est?s harto de las mismas frases trilladas?
quieres regalar algo aut?ntico?
quieres volver a lo esencial y desconectar?
Deseas decir las palabras justas en un momento dif?cil o las palabras m?s grandiosas en momentos de alegr?a?
Entonces este libro es para t?.
Si despu?s de la pandemia te has dado cuenta de lo importante que es la presencia f?sica, de reconectar y ver directamente a los ojos a nuestra familia, amigos, colegas, compa?eros, te entiendo, por eso he creado este libro para que tengas el pretexto perfecto para verlos y expresar tus frases de apoyo, solidaridad, amor o alegr?a.
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