Prepare for your Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing Certification (PMH-BC(TM)) exam with PMH-BC(TM) Certification Practice Q&A. With 300 high-quality questions and comprehensive rationales based on the most recent American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC(R)) exam blueprint, this essential resource is designed to help you study your way: sharpen your specialty knowledge with practice Q&As organized by exam topic and strengthen your test-taking skills with the 150-question practice test. Combined, it gives you everything you need to pass the first time, guaranteed. Know that you're ready. Know that you'll pass with Springer Publishing Exam Prep.
Key Features:
Includes 300 questions with in-depth rationales that address both correct and incorrect answers Offers two study options--by exam topic area or a 150-question timed practice test Provides key information about the PMH-BC(TM) certification exam Boosts your confidence with a 100% pass guaranteePMH-BC(TM) is a registered trademark of American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC(R)). ANCC(R) does not sponsor or endorse this resource, nor does it have a proprietary relationship with Springer Publishing.