This assemblage of three acclaimed plays by Award-Winning Playwright Daniel Damiano (Day of the Dog) is the first such collection of his work, and is an exemplary showcase for Damiano's sharp ear for dialogue and the range, depth and nuance of his characters, blending humor with deep emotional resonance.
While the plays in this collection may differ somewhat stylistically, they are united in being character-based works with a strong social relevance. In Harmony Park, it is the relations among a multi-ethnic landscaping crew in Queens, NY. In The Golden Year, it is the depiction of post-retirement life of a Long Island couple and the unanticipated realities that ensue. And, lastly, in The Dishonorable Discharge of Private Pitts, it is the journey of a young Texas woman whose life is given direction and is just as quickly led astray by her country's involvement in the Iraq War.