Sixteen-year-old Vanessa Cross's first clue that summer break will be anything but fun? She wipes out on her surfboard and envisions monsters. Back on land, life is its own kind of nightmare.
Her hypocritical stepmother--the only family she has left--has a secret boyfriend. She can't find the necklace her father left her. Her spirit guide talks in riddles. Her team isn't taking junior Grigori training seriously, except Brux, the love of her life who can never be hers.
Fearing that emotions could lead her down the dark path of her cursed ancestors, Van hardens her heart and focuses on her destiny: becoming the great warrior and protector of her people. She's ready. She's sure of it...until she gets an assignment that shakes her resolve.
Van and her team race to repair a cracked seal separating the Living and Earth worlds, but clawing at the barrier is no ordinary demonic horde. This enemy is darker, stronger, hungrier. It falls squarely on Van--ready or not--to fulfill her mission for her friends. For her people. And for all humanity.