I grew up in Guyana, South America. I was born and raised in Region Ten; also known as Linden, the mining town. Our parents and grandparents worked in the factories, power plants, and gold mines, those were the simpler days; mothers and wives and children listening for the factory horn to blow, Papa is on his way home.
As we fast forward to the current day and time. We understand that there is nothing new under the sun, and time is just an illusion to the human race. We have taken so many things for granted, Not realizing that everything in life is important. As I recall my younger days in Guyana, the life lesson I've learned Has shaped the older version you see today, "do not take anything in life for granted".
That's my advice to you, I say that with a heavy heart. I have traveled the world, I've held conversations with multiple races; conversations about love, relationships, religion, spirituality, homosexuality, God, cancer, racism, poverty, and most of all pride for country, etc. However, the constant rhetoric always returns back to how can we coexist together.
My question to you,
What do you consider to be important to you, is it equal to or greater than what is important to someone else?