Did the combination of physics and psychology really hack solutions to life problems?
Phycho is a pen name of a teenage character who has discovered a unique method for obtaining solutions to life problems. That method is simply balancing the science and the art of life. Science states facts. Art provokes emotions. Together, they shake that inner rigidity, open your eyes and help you grow.
The way Physics and Psychology are used to understand concepts of life is a perspective that is first of its kind. The teenage drama engages you. The ideas get you thinking.
The author, Ashlesha Prabhu, is a physicist, a psychologist, an actor, a filmmaker and a writer. Her aim with this debut book is to effectively revive children's love for education and reading by drawing on fun aspects of studying. She claims the book came to be with a great purpose.
"It motivates readers so much that they will recall reading it for years ahead and rely on its lessons later in life."
Learn more about her and PHYCHO from the author's note inside the book.
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