Want a little more organization in your business? A call log helps a business to stay a bit more organized. Instead of making calls at random, the call log can help the business know who to call, when to call and the reason for calling, making the business stay more focused and organized. Keep accurate records of telephone calls and voicemail messages with this Phone Call Log. We have designed our log book to be:
VERSATILE. Keeping track of phone calls can assist with follow-up, client retention and sales accuracy. This can also serve as your call log book, office supply book, phone message book, voice mail message book, telephone memo and your phone log book that includes sections for you to fill in the date, time, caller, company, message, and call checkboxes.
USEFUL & CONVENIENT- You can't beat a book like this. It doesn't need batteries, doesn't take you time to log in and you can take it anywhere with you.
IT'S BUILT TO LAST- The sturdy cover is made of tough paperback with strong, secure professional trade binding so the pages won't fall out after a few months of use.
WELL-CRAFTED INTERIOR- We used only thick, white paper to avoid ink bleed-through. The lines are printed clear for easy visibility and less visual distractions when you are reading or writing.
PERFECT SIZE- With its 20.3 x 25.40 cm (8" x 10") dimensions, almost the same width as A4 but shorter in height, you can squeeze it into a bag with ease. It's the perfect size- easy to carry
COOL COVERS - To top it all, we have an array of cover designs for you to choose from. Get inspired by our collection of truly creative book covers.
We stand for quality and aim to provide the best writing experience with our notebooks. Get this essential for a busy office with a diverse set of incoming calls. This Phone Call Log template helps to ensure that you get back to all your clients without leaving anyone out. Grab a copy today