Peter meets Perry the Purple Polka-Dotted Porpoise with a Purpose is a story about two different types of earth dwellers (a little boy and a porpoise) that have a lot in common and find each other and become best friends forever. They are both in similar situations. Peter gets teased because of his freckles and he isn't accepted by soccer players because he is told he is too small to play soccer. Perry gets rejected by his fellow porpoises because he looks too much like a dolphin and because he has purple polka pots. Peter and Perry meet at the right time when they both need acceptance and friendship.
About the Author
Steven Enzukewich worked for Boeing for 31 years as a Nondestructive Evaluation Specialist, doing lab work and developing inspection procedures using various electronic equipment to detect hidden defects (cracks, disbonds, fatigue in parts) before they become problematic. Steven has published inspection procedures in inspection manuals around the world. He really enjoyed his career at Boeing because he looked at the macro view of what he is really doing there. He was contributing to making aging airplanes safer by extending the life of the airplanes, thus human life extension.
Writing Peter Meets Perry the Polka-Dotted Porpoise with a Purpose was a big departure from the technical writing he did at Boeing. A published inspection procedure is based on empirical data from lab experimentation. It requires being objective. Peter Meets Perry allowed Steven to be subjective and allow his imagination to run wild. Steven is happily married to his wife, Sally, who encourages his hobbies. His hobbies include riding his mountain bike, night sky viewing with his telescope, and jamming on guitar.
Steven would like to dedicate this book to Carl Gifford, engineer extraordinaire and his mentor at Boeing. Whenever Steven needed to tap Carl on the shoulder, Carl never once said, "Go away from me kid, you bother me."