Sean De Filippis ran into some trouble when a woman he didn't know accused him of something he didn't do. He hired a lawyer who got him off the charges easily enough, but PR for his stream was in shambles. After butting heads with the three PR officials working for McCormack Incorporated, his lawyer is brought back into his company to help him overcome his more toxic aspects. He doesn't expect it when she takes whipping him into shape literally.
- The Entertaining Love series features standalone novels centered around one couple. While the novels may hint at others in the series, you can jump in at any point and avoid any potential triggers you may have.
- This novel features sexual scenes between a male and female, and male and two females. The book features a consensual BDSM relationship.
- Trigger Warnings in order of appearance:
HomophobiaCursingAbusive ParentSexual HarassmentAnxiety