Path of the Soul is an inspiring story of the spiritual unfoldment of Jesus as a man, a soul, and a spirit. In vivid detail, it reveals how Jesus was able to experience God as love, perform miracles, attain Christ consciousness, and ascend into the realm of pure light, wisdom, and love. Before Jesus became the way shower and messenger for the teachings of the Piscean Age, He was first and foremost a seeker of truth.
Path of the Soul is a story of encouragement for all who are on a quest for universal truth and wisdom. It reveals how people progress from step to step and from one initiation to a higher initiation, regardless of their religion, nationality, ethnicity, or gender.
In great detail, it explains how people can use the energies and forces streaming through the seven planes of earth to unfold, develop, and master successively higher states of mind and realization. You too can attain Christ Consciousness or buddhic Enlightenment. For you are a god-in-the-making with the potential to attain perfection and the inherent ability to serve as an agent of divine love, will, and purpose. This is the message of the way shower during these early days of the Age of Aquarius.