This book is a collection of answers of questions that have been frequently asked in European Diploma of Anesthesia and Intensive Care (EDAIC)-part II exam over the last twelve years. These answers were collected from various books, references, and recently published studies and articles. A few more advanced topics and case discussions from similar exams were added to cover more ground and make this book more comprehensive. Most of the topics in this book are presented in the form of questions and answers and are inspired by the EDAIC exam itself as well as other exams like American bord review and FRCA.
Some of the topics are written as regular textbook chapters but in a more concise way that makes them relatively easy to go back to for a final review. Hopefully this book well be useful for the final review for the EDAIC part-II exam.
Its contents were written by Dr. Fayez A. Mahmoud - consultant anesthesia, and co-authored by Dr. Mohammed Haidar- consultant anesthesia, and Dr. Dareen Almehman- consultant Pain management.